Family Visa

Family Visa

Apply for a family visa today and bring your partner, spouse or family to Australia. Temporarily (TR) and Permanent (PR) Visas Now Available. Speak to a specialist migration agent today. Call us on (03) 9663 5277.

Partner Visas

Partner category migration allows for the grant of a visa that permits married partners (Opposite sex spouses) and de facto partners (including those in a same-sex relationship) of Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens to enter and remain permanently in Australia.

Initially, partners who meet the legal criteria for the grant of the visa are granted a temporary visa. Later, a permanent visa may be granted following an eligibility period or, if there is a long-standing relationship or children of the relationship, soon after grant of the temporary visa.


Partner category migration also allows for the temporary entry to Australia of fiancé(e)s (intended spouses) of Australian citizens, permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens. As the partner or fiancé(e) of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, you do not have an automatic right of permanent residence in Australia.

If you wish to reside permanently in Australia, you must first apply for a permanent visa and be assessed against the legal criteria for the grant of that visa.

There are two visa types in the partner category:

Partner Visas

There are two visa types in the partner category:

A child might be eligible for a child visa if they are:

Adoption visa options:

A child might be eligible to apply for an adoption visa if they are:

A person who has been adopted, but is over 18 years of age cannot apply for this visa

Parent Visas

You might be eligible to apply for a parent category visa if:

Family Visas (3)
Family Visas (5)
Family Visas

You might be eligible to apply for a parent category visa if:

There are more places available for contributory parent visa applicants and application processing times are significantly shorter. However, applicants must pay a higher second instalment of the visa application charge and a larger Assurance of Support (AoS) bond, with a longer AoS period than parent visa applicants.

Other Family Visas

The other family category consists of the following three visa types:

Family Visas (2)